
Three of my Favorite things to do: cook, eat, and look for new recipes to try! I grew up with a mother that was a great cook and have loved carrying that tradition over into my own home. This is a compilation of recipes that I've tried and liked, where I found them, how I made them, and what I think about them. Cooking is, for me, an expression of love. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pumpkin Bread

Since my mom isn't here to make her pumpkin bread this winter, I searched high and low for a good recipe.  I wanted moist and flavorful, and as healthy as possible.  I stumbled on this recipe, and halfway through throwing ingredients in the mixing bowl, I realized it was vegan.  It also had less oil than all of the other recipes I had looked at.  Fingers crossed, and it turned out amazing!  Incredibly moist and tons of flavor.  A keeper for sure.  
*We did muffin tins, makes about 20 muffins and I baked at recommended temp for about  18 min

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