
Three of my Favorite things to do: cook, eat, and look for new recipes to try! I grew up with a mother that was a great cook and have loved carrying that tradition over into my own home. This is a compilation of recipes that I've tried and liked, where I found them, how I made them, and what I think about them. Cooking is, for me, an expression of love. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mexican Stuffed Shells

I found this recipe on my foodgawker app and I knew I wanted to try it! 
I always make my own adjustments, so here's what they are:
Instead of adding marinara, I just made a basic taco meat and added frozen corn and black beans.  I loved the addition of the goat cheese.  It gave it just the right amount of creaminess and tangyness.  I wouldn't normally have bought some but I happened to have some on hand and I don't think I'll be able to make it without it now!  I also prefer white cheese instead of yellow, so I used Monterey Jack on top and ditched the Panko because I didn't have any and I was over it with 2 kids pulling at me while I was trying to finish stuffing the shells.  Boiling the shells for 9 minutes was the perfect amount of time, and 1 lb. of meat worked perfect for a box of 35 shells (the addition of 1/2 cup of corn and about a can of black beans gave me a little more filling).  All in all, it was a really easy recipe, and I had most of the ingredients on hand already.  It seems like it would be an easy one to freeze too. 

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